So you wanna make a Rise script, here’s some key functions to make your life easier
Commands, Events, Printing to the console
async def hello(ctx):
await ctx.send('Hello, the script works')
textbox.insert(END, "\n\n" + f"We just said hello!")
is just to double space in the console, use as many spaces as necessary, this by default will look cleaner
Dynamically change depending on the send mode
Commands for Rise are basically done how regular discord bots do embeds, except with ease to switch between image,codeblock,or embed mode you’re gonna want to send the command as so
embed=EMMB.Embed(title=f"Send Mode", description="This will send depending on what send mode is set in the config", color=colors.get(h['color']))
embed.set_footer(text=f"{h['footertext']}", icon_url= f"{h['footer_icon_url']}")
await imagemode(ctx, embed)
yes, it is defined as imagemode, but will work depending on whats set in the users config and change automatically if necessary
Some of this will probably display errors in your IDE, but rest assured when Rise executes your script it will search for these functions