A script like this :
@commands.command(name="pollspam", description="Flood a channel with polls.")
async def pollspam(self, ctx):
# if not ctx.guild.me.guild_permissions.create_expressions:
# console.print_error("Bot does not have the necessary permissions to manage messages.")
# return
for i in range(25):
resp = requests.post(f"https://discord.com/api/channels/{ctx.channel.id}/messages", headers={
"Authorization": f"{self.cfg.get('token')}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}, json={
"content": "",
"poll": {
"question": {
"text": "".join(["﷽" for i in range(300)])
"answers": [
"poll_media": {
"text": "".join(["﷽" for i in range(55)])
} for i in range(10)
"allow_multiselect": False,
"duration": 24,
"layout_type": 1
if resp.status_code != 200:
if "missing permissions" in resp.content.lower():
console.print_error("Bot does not have the necessary permissions to manage messages.")
return resp.json()
console.print_error(f"Failed to create poll: {resp.json()}")
console.print_success(f"Poll created.")
await asyncio.sleep(.53)
except Exception as e:
console.print_error(f"Failed to create poll: {e}")
return e
console.print_info("Poll spam complete.")